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Human Evolution and Technology: From Stone Tools to Automation

 What if Man could not discover Stone as a weapon?

At the beginning of civilization when human beings used to struggle living with other wild animals, they discovered stone as a weapon.  They found a sharp stone is more effective than anything. 

After discovering fire from two stones Man used it for cooking and safety of the cave.  A torch can easily remove darkness.  But all I am saying is that man started using his brain to discover and invent new things. And what a ten man did after trying their best a technological discovery or invention would then be the more powerful way of surviving alone.

Man discovered that they could easily live alone with new technologies. They did not need to live in a group.  

So It was observed that after inventing new technology human beings did not need more to engage in doing anything. People got advantages from living there more securely. So, they discover different ways to live their lives alongside their new invention and discovery. A large group broke into small groups and then a small group into more small and thus joint family and single. A single family today consists of 4 to 5 members. 

The scope of work has been increased. Right before computers came to work the total number of workers was big. But a computer can do many jobs alone at a time. Only an operator can handle the whole process. Sharing files and documents in and out of the workstation is easy. A computer can even launch a satellite into the orbit of space.  

Still today A family who has money can recruit people for their home.  Labourers work in a company, or factory, constructing houses, making roads, bridges, etc. Maybe they are decreasing in numbers. But People are finding ways to earn money by setting up small or big businesses. 

What I am trying to say is that people get nature’s gift, that is people are intelligent and not fully dependent upon God's grace.

What type of irrigation system was there for cultivation?

Today people still depend on rainwater. I think prayers were also appreciated at that time because no other ways were found. But today people have lots of techniques, and machines available to facilitate their irrigation program. People were just dependent upon rainwater, rivers, and other water reserved points. 

Here is an image of an ancient method of irrigation.

Modern method of irrigation

So, people get the fruits from the benefits of new technology. What if numbers are decreased in engaging more people in the field?  


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